::::: amanDa's l'iL neSt :::::
=horSes aRe goD's gifT tO manKind=
thE titLe saYz iT alL...I thiNk hOrses aRe tHe mOst amaZing...asTounding creAtures oN eaRth...i haVe bEen perSuading mY folKs to leT me leaRn hoRse-riding...buT thEy thinK thaT i'M gonNa faLL ofF liKe chriStopher reEve n geT paRalysEd...*exasperated*
My othEr luRve -- daNcing(boTH cLassicaL aNd moDern)
i danCe verY ofTen...buT baSically i dO mOre of baLLet...i dO modErn moStly foR recreaTional puRposEs...buT i hoPe to perSue a danCing caReEr.Rite nOw, i'M croSsing mi finGers, hoPing mY parenTs leT me leaRn jAzz baLLet...*grinZ*
Now boUt mOi...
okiE...dIs whEre i squEeze thE remaIning of mI manY hoBBies...liKe teNnis, swiMming, boYs, goiNg veGetarian, arT and crAft...yoU geT the picTure...
Favourite links

thE reGency fasHion paGe
niCe!!!i liKe tO lOok aT the viCtoriaN eveNing gOwns aNd imaGine mYself in thEm...(okIe..so i Am vaIn...)

thE lanGuage oF loVe
i luRve thiS paGe...it'S sOooo, sOoo, weLL...rOmantiC!!!!!

thE hisTory oF faShion
gOod faShion adVice foR everYwun

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